We're so glad you asked.
We're hiring for several roles right now, and all you have to do is apply.
Which roles you ask?
Sales Associate, various bars and neighborhoods:
$17-20 hourly OR pure commission. Your choice!)
Who you are (doesn't rule you out, if you're interested, we want to get to know you):
- Comfort talking to people in low-risk settings and conversations -- think a night out with a friend and you just met a stranger playing a game of pool or darts together.
- Self-motivator (and being a bit of a night-owl) -- You'll meet a lot of new people doing this job, and a lot of it will be between the hours of 7 PM and midnight. It's definitely a lot of boots on the ground work, but if you're like me, you'll enjoy the social skills you build and the confidence you gain from approaching people with a positive mindset every time.
- Polite and friendly
-- this is an important one. No one likes an a*shole, a*shat, or dirtbag. Just act with kindness and carry yourself with respect, you'll be fine.
- Wants to support small and family owned businesses
-- both ours and the bars we go to. You'll support yourself financially as well, don't worry!